Washington Trout Tour 2023
Eastern Washington, specifically north-central Washington is one of my favorite areas to fish for trout. The landscape shaped by the ancient Missoula floods is spectacular and the trout fishing can be as well. The Washington Trout Tour 2023 did not disappoint. The weather was fabulous with temps in the upper 60’s. The sky had clouds that complemented the unique geologic history of north-central Washington. And the trout cooperated, mostly. Omak Lake fished well with several over 20”. However Dry Falls continues to confound me (i.e., a blank). The only saving grace was contemplating that a mere 2,500 years ago you would have been sitting in the bottom of a plunge pool when Glacial Lake Missoula last drained. To top it off, I am back for a Mother’s Day Weekend with the promise of outstanding spring weather.