A New Website for CSF
Clark-Skamania Flyfishers is a not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to the preservation of wild fish stocks and the natural resources that sustain them. CSF is further committed to the promotion of fly fishing as a method of angling and, through it, an understanding of and appreciation for the diversity of nature.
I have been a member since 2002. In 2004 I led a team of fellow members to stand up CSF’s first web site. This was back in the day when flip phones ruled, AOL addresses were still relevant, and the web ripped along at 800 kbps. The site was coded in PHP by a class of Washington State University students in the then new Digital Technology and Culture program led by Professor Dene Gigar. For its time it smoked.
Rocket forward to 2022 and the site, largely unchanged, looked dated, lacked many functions deemed SOP for membership organizations and was difficult to maintain. Credit the WSUV class that it ran essentially trouble free over 18 years.
How much has technology and the state of the art in web designed changed? To the point where I was able to stand up the new site almost single handed with the guidance of a handful of advisors.* Using the CMS Squarespace the new CSFly.net has the following features:
· Online membership and events registration
· Dynamic calendaring for events and educational offerings
· Blogs for conservation and member communications
· Ecommerce for merch and other sales
· Online fundraising
· A visual style that celebrates the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and other areas frequented by our members.
Check it out in the link above. I am pretty pleased with the results.
*The project team included:
Bart Phillips, Lead
Brian Mullis, Lead
Michael Golub
Peter Anderson
Don Grant