Cape Falcon November 2022
While I have lived in the Portland/ Vancouver area for over two decades, I am embarrassed to say that I have never been to the Oregon Coast other than a drive by on my way to California. Shame on me. I have known of Cape Falcon from my time in the 1990’s participating in the North of Falcon Process negotiating fishing seasons with the Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Cape Falcon is the demarcation between north and south salmon and halibut fishery regimes that are negotiated each year between commercial, recreational and tribal fisheries.. Trust me, it was a boring and highly political process . IMHO NOF is a contributor to the decline in Pacific Northwest salmon resource. I digress.
It looked like there would be a couple of days before a Pineapple Express was due, so on a whim I hooked up the Silver Hilton and cruised the 135 miles to Manzanita and camped for a couple of days south of Oswald West State Park. My purpose was to walk the beach and take a hike to Cape Falcon to see what I could see. It did not disappoint.